Mid-America’s Institute of Nouthetic Studies Blog

Bible study
  • by Jay Adams
    If you want to counsel effectively, it will take time to learn how to do so. I am appalled at the way some jump right into counseling after a short course or reading a few books as if they knew all there is to know about the task. Certainly, any believer can counsel someone out […]
  • by Jay Adams
    The Bible has a lot to say about music. God is pleased to be praised in song. He even inspired some songs to help us do so. Indeed, he gave us an entire songbook, the Psalter. But singing also serves other purposes, as this hymnbook demonstrates. We not only praise, but pray generally, petition specifically […]
  • by Jay Adams
    One thing that you ought to know about those petty politicians (and others) who quote the Scriptures out of context, to impress people, or for any sort of personal gain, is what God thinks about it. Here are His Words: But God says to the wicked: "what right do you have to recite My statutes; […]
  • by Jay Adams
    Here is a word of wisdom for you: Stay away from a foolish man; you will gain no knowledge from his speech. Prov. 14:7  (CSB) One of the issues you should consider in choosing friends is what sort of truth you will gain from the choice. It may seem wise to befriend a foolish person […]
  • by Jay Adams
    Does God expect you to cast out demons? Have you wondered whether or not that ought to be an adjunct to your counseling? Some have; others have assured them that it is necessary to do so. In counseling for 10 hours a day two days a week for many years, I have yet to encounter […]
  • by Jay Adams
    “What do you do when you don’t know what to do?” Are you serious, or are you presenting me with a conundrum? “No. I’m dead serious. I have a decision to make as to whether or not to do something. I’d like to do it but I don’t know whether its something that the Lord […]
  • by Jay Adams
    Why do you do what you do? Have you ever asked yourself that question in frustration after you did something that you knew you shouldn't—or that, down deep, you really didn't want to do? Well, of course, the first answer to that question is that you are a sinner. Even if you have come to […]