Tag: practical missions

Sermons Preached: The Oft Overlooked Part of Mid-America’s Practical Missions Report

by John Charping, PhD, Chairman of the Missions Department

Mid-America has always held the conviction that students must not delay putting into practice what is being taught in the classroom until after graduation. Through its practical missions programs—Witness One:Seven for the Seminary and the GO! Program for the College—students make the immediate connection between the classroom and contemporary ministry.

“To All the World” Begins Across the Street

by Larry A. Thompson, Mid-America Alumnus, MDIV, 1995

Practical missions infuse the very DNA of Mid-America, marking a passion ignited by our founder, Dr. B. Gray Allison, whose soul-winning exploits challenged generations. Fifty years later, Mid-America President Dr. Michael Spradlin and the faculty still carry the torch for personal evangelism. It’s one of the hallmarks of Mid-America that sets us apart.