Mid-America Prison Initiative—Summer 2024 Update
By Dr. Mark Thompson
Director of the Arkansas Prison Initiative
Since the inception of the Arkansas Prison Initiative in 2019, God has impacted and changed many lives. Last May, 18 long-term inmates graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies from The College at Mid-America to become Field Ministers across the Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC).
God is using these graduates to change the culture in the Varner prison. These men currently lead Bible Study groups teaching the Scriptures to men who want to know more about Christ. Inmates, including gang leaders, come seeking prayer and counsel for themselves or family members. Our graduates are sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with men who desperately need to be changed by the Gospel. Some of these men are being restored to their families after years of not communicating with their children, parents, or other family members. Just recently, one of our students reconciled with his son after 11 years of no contact. The stories of what God is doing at Varner are truly amazing. These men will finish their pilot project assignments this summer and will begin to be deployed across the ADC this fall.
When the Fall 2024 semester begins, 18 students in Cohort 2 will begin their senior year and look forward to their graduation in May 2025. Cohort 3, which has 15 students, will begin their sophomore year with an anticipated graduation date of 2027. They will begin the year in our brand new 50-foot x 100-foot building, which was completed in May and has a library, four classrooms, a study area, and office space. Pray that God will continue to do great things in the lives of these men and use them to do great things for the Kingdom of God.
By Dr. Daniel Jones
Director of the Colorado Prison Initiative
Mid-America’s Prison Initiative provides inmates with the education and training to be missional inside prison walls. Here’s what our inmate students have to say about the program:
“Being enrolled at Mid-America has opened my eyes to the importance of missions. What I am learning is helping me be more confident in sharing my faith and gaining a deeper understanding of what we truly believe. We are being prepared to share the Gospel in any situation effectively.” —John
The primary challenge for these students is living in an environment hostile towards Christians.
“Prison is hard. No matter how minute, one mistake can ruin your testimony and witness. Being a Christian in prison is by far the hardest thing I’ve had to do in life.” —Brandon
Mid-America’s inmate student body, however, is advancing the Gospel among the inmate population and staff.
“Since being in this program, I have seen many men receive Christ as their Savior. I have also seen the lives of many inmates and staff impacted positively by my fellow students.” —Matthew
These students are sharing the Gospel with prisoners who will reenter society. Inmates who come to faith in Jesus have a better chance to reintegrate and impact their communities. As a result of your donations, you make it possible for Mid-America students to advance the Kingdom of God in some of the darkest places in our world.
“This is an eternal investment, not only in the men who attend this program but in the countless souls who will be saved as the Gospel spreads. In Matthew 28:19–20, Jesus gives the Great Commission, and this program is a work in fulfilling that command of the Lord. We are all working together to obey Christ in this, and your investments are just as relevant and necessary as our work in the mission field. Your provision enables the Gospel to spread and disciples for Jesus Christ to be made and strengthened. Without you, there’s no us.” —Paul